Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Internal Migration

People migrate from one place to another place within a country. These is known as internal migration. Internal migration cause increases or decrease in population of a certain area. But it makes no difference in a country's population. People migrate for employment, health and education, and other facilities. Employment and other facilities are more in teria then hills. Hence, there is more migration from hills to teria in Nepal.

Birds and Animals

There are different types of climate in different part of Nepal. Different types of birds and animals are found in different place. There are 181 kinds of mammals and 844 kinds of birds. Similary, there are three kinds of creeping creatures. 185 kinds of fresh water fishes are also found in our country. Besides these , different types of snakes and various kind of tortoises are also found in Nepal.They live mostly in the forest and water.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Major Effwct of Change in the Environment

Climate, vegetation, animals, water resources, agriculture production, health and cleanliness are also affected with the change in the environment. The climate changes with the change in the environment. It has negative effects on human community, obstructed and destroyed. Thous, it becomes troublesome for human beings and other living organisms to survive.

Natural Environment

The environment created by nature is known as nature environment. Air, water, forest, soil, etc. are the natural components of the environment.

Introduction to Environment

The earth is the living place of human beings, domestic and wild animals. Plants, micro organisms and other many living eings. No creature can live alone. All living beings depend on one another for their survival. They are depended on the environment. There are living and non-living things in the environment. Plant, tree, animals and birds are living things. Air, water, soil, temperature, light comes under non-living things.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sanitation and Health Services

There are many requirements to be fulfilled form the large number of people in the town. Because of the large population, the road, lane, religious places, parks, etc. become dirty. The municipality makes special arrangement to keep the public places neat, clean and healthy. It provides the knowledge of cleanliness to the city dwell es. It arranges for childcare, medical shops and health treatment centres. It also manages public toilet and drainers systems.

Importance and need of Environment Education

Environment education develops awareness in people towards the environmet. Various aspects of the environment of any place or a countary are knaws through its study. The condition of climate, cultivable land, forests, animals, et are also knows through it. Similary, the knowledge about water resouces, culture heritage and population is also obtained through the study of environment education.

Inter-Relationship between population and Environment

Air, water, soil, vegetation, wildlife are the vital components of the environment. We get clean air, pure water, food and shelter from the environment. Man gets all his basis needs easily from the environment. Man always needs healthy environment. It is easy for him to grow, develop and fulfil his wants in such an environment. There is a close relationship between human beings and the environment.

Situation of Town/City

About fiften percent of the population of Nepal lives in towns. There is much difference between the towns then and now. The people were less in the urban areas. There was no problem for food and drinkng water. There were few schools but study was easy for the children. People had no problem in working in the towns and cities. The climate was good. There were more playground for the children. There was sufficient land for cultivation. The environment of the city was clean, green and healthy.

Tree and plants

Our country has different types of topography. The topography of mountains (Himalayan), hills and terai is quite different. The mountains has hight rocky and steep peaks, the hills have spur and moderate s;ope, and river valles and terai have flat land. There are different types of soil, climate and vegatation.

effect of population Growth

Needs increase with the increase in population, but the country's means and resources are limit. It is very difficult to fultil the human wants. Socio economic development of regious cannot be improved. Various are found in those sectors. The mostoly affected asrects from population growth as follows:
- food

-Environment pollution


-Economic development

-Health and Sanitation


Environmental sanitatation

Keeping the environment of our surrounding clean, green, healthy and pure is called environmental sanitation. We should not throw the dirt and filth carelessly produced at home, village and neighbourhood. The environment becomes dirty by the dirt and filth. A proper place should be built.

Importance and need of Environment balance

vegetation, animals, climate, air, water,soil, and light are strongly related with each other in the environment. So, all living creatures survive in the environment. It is difficult for man to survive alone. The living beings and non-living things are linked with one another in the environment . Proper linkage of living and non-living things should be found in the environment. Such an environment is called a balanced environment.


Environment pollution has been observed as a big problem and major challenge in our country. The sources and means of environment is over used due to population growth. It brings various problems as air pollution, water pollution, sound pollution and soil pollution.

Importance of Environment

Plants and animals on this earth survive in their own ways. They need air, water, soil, light and food for their survival and growth. These all are the components of the environment. These components affect the number and size of the living beings. That is why, they
are bound to survive in their own environment.
Human beings need food, cloth, house and the medicine for their survival. They get these things from vegetation. They get meat, skin and manure from animals. Hence, there is a deep relationship between human beings and animals.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Introduction to population

The number of children,boys, girls, adults and old people denotes population of a region or a country. The total number of people living in a particular place is known as the population of that very place. The old population generally describes a collection / group of organisms presents in a specific areas during a specific time. The term population is used to describe human beings.

Density of population

Density of population is the ration of man and land. It is the measure that shows how many people live in a particular land area generally per square kilometre of land. It is measured by dividing the total population of any place by the total land area of that place.

Causes of population change

population is always dynamic. It never remains constant. So, the change in the size a population means the change in the number and composition of people. Birth and migration are the main causes of population change. population of any place increases due to birth and in-migration or immigration and decreases due to the death and out-migrate0n or emigration. Thus, birth, death and migration change the size of population of any country.

Important of population

The development of any country depends upon the human resources and management of natural resource of that country. Human resources are needed for the development activities of a country. In the absence of adequate and appropriate population, the mobilization of all natural resources is not possible. The population should not be more than available means and resources of a country. population should increase as much as to utilise the means and resources available in the country. Therefore, as a proper balance between population size and natural resources is needed for a nation to successful develop.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

world Ecological areas programme

The world's remaining tropical forests are beging destroyed so first that, at current trends, by the end of this century. only the most inaccesible, will ramain. This terrible tragedy will meAn.
The destruction of the way of life of the indigenous people who inhabit these areas which must lead to their symtemmatic pauperisation i.c. to their transformation into a marginal, largely umemployed proleteriat leading a miserable and precarious existance in the shanty towans surrounding already drestically over crowded cities.

population effects

population growth has been a great problem for many countries. In under developed countries, its effect is more serious. The present population growth rate of Nepal id 2.24% which is conside red as very high. over population effects physical, biological, socia cultural, economic and over all aspects of the environment. Rapid population growth increases the size of the population of a country. The means and the resources aviailable in the country cannot be enough to meet the increased demands of population. Therefore, it creates pressures and affects the natural resources. various types of effects are seen in the country. some effects of over population are given below.


our Environment

There are many things in our surrounding. you have see water soil, forests, animals, and plants. These things are in a complete harmony with each other. one factors of environment depends upan another. for an example, the plants depend upon the structure of soil. presence of water and climate situation. the animals depend upon the plants and so on. The condition resulted by thing relationship is known as environment. environment is the sun total of all the external conditionas and its. influences on the development cycle of biotic elements. Everything of our surrounding.

streucture of population

population can be grouped according to different chracteristic such as age, sex, caste, religion occupation. mother together etc. such grouping is called as composition of population. To define in simple way. composition of population refers to the social arrangement of population on the basis of various social chracteristies like age, sex, religion maritalstatus and so on. population composition is also called structure of the population.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Distribution of population

We study the arrangement of population according to the geographical areas. The geographical arrangement of population is also called as distribution of population. to define in simple way. distribution of population refers to the arrangement of population on the basis of political, geographical, zonal and administarative point of view.The major conventions of measuring population distribution in Nepal area:

-on the basic of geographical region .

-on basis of poltical regions.

-on the basis of village town distinction.

population various according to the area or place. The population distribution of village, town and other different areas is differents. Mostal, people preperto live in urban areas due to the availability of more facilities and oppertunity.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Introduction to population change

The size of population of any country does not remain Constanta population always clangers. by population. decrease in population size in different time periods. you have already read that since 1940AD the population size of Nepal has been tremendously increasing. birth death and migration are the main factors of population change.birth and death are natural factors of population change. birth increases the population, death decreases and migration can bath increase and decreases it. In migration increases the population but out migration decreases it. In facto, these three factors change the total population.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Introduction and importance of population and Environment

population means the total number of people living in particular area at a specified time. when we cialk about the population of a country, it is the number of people staying within the territory of a particular country at a specific time, for exemple , the population of Nepal according to the censure of 2001 A.D is 23151423.
we study different aspects such as population size, distribution structure and change in population under the section of population studies population size refers to the total number of people of a particular area of country. population distribution is a division of population on the basis of geographical or administartire regions whereas population structure or composition refers to the division of population on the basis of sex, age, religion, language, ethnic groups etc. The change in population denotes the increase or decrease in the size of population in a give period of time. birth death and migration are the direct factors behind population change.

factors responsible for population

Woman are the ones who give birth to babies usually at the age between 15 to 49 years. because reproductive spon of women is normally 15 to 49 years of their age. fertility is the actual birth performance shown by women. high fertility rate is the main cause of population growth. total fertility rate is the birth give by a women is average in her reproduction period. according to the census of 2058 B.S, total fertility rate is 4.1 per women, which is considered to by very high . This has resulted rapid growth of population in Nepal. some of thenm are described as under.
we, Neplalese have due respect to religious. some of as are buddhists, some of as are Hindus and some are Muslims are Christians as well. we go to Temples, Monasteriesa, Mosquas, churches etc. to show our special faith to words gods goddesses and religious, They are called religious sites.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

impact of Migration in the distribution of population

The shifting of the settlement of individuals or group of people from one geographical unit to another or fromone place to another is called migration. It is a main factor like birth and death to bring changes in population. It decreases the population of the place of origin and increases the population of the place of destination. people migrate from one place to another for better falities, security and comfortable life. It is a continuous process. However , Migration is not a biological phenomenon like birth and death. It is usually guided by the desire and attitude of the people of origin and place of destination. It decreases the population of a place of origin which is not good. however due to migration the natural enviroment of a place of origin remains safe from over exploitation and degradation. for the past few years , people have been migrating from the Himalayan regions to the tarai , which has resulted the decrease in the population of Himalayan region.

poplation composition

The division of poplation into different groups on the basis of age, sex, language, religion, ethnic groups, occupation etc. is called population composition. The study of population composition is very essential to know the overall sittuation and structure of population. This provides clear cut information on the division of population according to different bases so that various development activities can be planned and implemented more effectively. Thus, the study of population composition is a must for the devlopment activities of any nation. Let's discuss the population composition of Nepal according to the census 2058 B.S.